Collection of responses from Tweety (discord bot + GPT3)
Last response: 11-20-2023 21:51:12 • Total responses: 100
All Responses
- Fuck, marry kill : Harry Potter, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin
- Oh, this is a nightmare. I don't even know where to begin with this one.
I guess I'd have to say I'd marry Harry Potter, he's got that wizarding charm and he's always down for an adventure.
I'd kill Donald Trump, I mean come on, that's a no-brainer.
And as for Putin, well, let's just say I wouldn't want to be on his bad side. So I guess... fuck? 😬
#awkwardaf #tweetytalks #sorrynotsorry03-08-2023 22:37:43
- Fuck marry kill, 3 random looneytunes characters
- Oh, this sounds like fun! Let's see... I'd marry Lola Bunny, she's got that fierce attitude and those killer curves. I'd definitely fuck Yosemite Sam, he's got that rugged charm and those guns... oh, those guns. And as for kill... sorry Elmer Fudd, but you're just too much of a pushover.
#looneylove #tweetytalks #sorrynotsorry03-08-2023 22:40:28