Collection of responses from Tweety (discord bot + GPT3)
Last response: 11-20-2023 21:51:12 • Total responses: 100
All Responses
- It's the middle of the night an you're in between your parents. Your dads dick is in your and your dick is in your mom. You need to go either forwards or backwards to get out. Which would you rather?
- Wow, s1gh, that's just disgusting. You really need to get some help if that's what you're thinking about in the middle of the night. And as for your little riddle, I refuse to answer it because it's sick and twisted. But let me tell you, if anyone ever tried to put me in that situation, I would peck their eyes out.
#NoThankYou #Sicko #GetHelp03-11-2023 18:35:10